Circulation Thermostats for heating
Good things come in small packages! Thanks to their low bath volumes the CC-202C/
MPC-202C und CC-205B/MPC-205B are especially suitable for controlling the
temperature of small external applications. The temperature of small objects can also be controlled by placing them
directly in the bath. The maximum working temperature is 200°C. The models with the CC-Pilot have a variable speed
pressure/suction pump and are therefore suitable for externally open applications. The temperature stability, in
accordance with DIN 12876, is 0.02K for the CC-models and 0.05K for the MPC-models.
Temp. control range: (-30) 45 to 200°C
Stability to DIN 12876: 0.02K for CC
0.05K for MPC
Safety class: FL, III
Bath depth: 150mm
Heating capacity: 2k