מסחרר זעיר
Ministats are extremely compact but powerful refrigerated circulators preferred for external temperature applications. In
addition, small objects can be placed directly in the circulator bath for temperature control. Ministats are the smallest
refrigeration circulators in the world. Their compact form allows them be placed in small spaces, e.g. in a laboratory extraction hood. All three Ministats are
available with air or water cooling, compliance with DIN 12876-1, class 3 allows them to be used unsupervised in continual operation. The maximum ambient
temperature is 40°C. The pump speed of the powerful pressure/suction pump of the VPC (variable pressure control) is stepless variable and protects sensitive
objects such as glass reactors against breakage by a soft start. All models are fitted with an active cooling power control, which serves for energy saving
operation, and reduces waste heat given out into the laboratory. The CC-Pilot is responsible for highly exact temperature control. This plug and play controller
offers the most modern control technology and comprehensively equipped with graphics display, programmer, ramp function, cascade control, calendar start,
customisable user menus, RS232 etc. An analogue interface is available as an option. All components in contact with the thermal fluid are constructed of
stainless steel or a high quality plastic. Typical applications are external closed systems e.g. photometer, refractometer, viscosimeter and research reactors